Optimizing Your Climb: 4 Things to Know Before Hiking Kilimanjaro

by | Jul 22, 2024 | Travel Agency

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Hiking Kilimanjaro is an impressive feat. If this is an experience that lies on your “bucket list”, you might be tempted to gear up and go before taking the time to seriously prepare for it. As the highest mountain peak in the entire continent of Africa, Kilimanjaro offers a grueling, uphill trek. To help you stay safe and truly enjoy your journey, the following are four important things to know before heading out.

1. You Can Beat Altitude Sickness By Slowing Your Pace

The higher you climb, the thinner the air around you will become. People who strike out at a fast pace have the highest likelihood of experiencing nausea and vertigo at higher elevations. Going slow will give your body more time to adapt to elevation changes.

2. Past Training Is Helpful But Not for Everything

Even seasoned runners, swimmers, and gymnasts find themselves feeling faint when hiking Kilimanjaro. Be prepared to experience physiological stress that you’ve never experienced before as you exert yourself at higher elevations.

3. You’ll Need Hydration Salts

Hiking at high altitudes can lead to frequent soft or outright liquid stools. Bring plenty of hydration salts along to keep dehydration at bay.

4. Choose a Water Bottle That’s Easy to Access

Carry your water in a container that attaches to your outer gear. This way, you can take small sips every hour. Drinking small amounts at frequent intervals is far preferable to drinking large quantities of water at once. It will also give you ample opportunity to load up on hydration salts.

To find out how Climb Kili can help you prepare for an unforgettable hike, visit them today.